Fórum:Osobní stránka na adrese: vladajaros.freepage.cz
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12. září 2023 v 13:04
William Henry Jack
23. února 2022 v 14:01
2. srpna 2021 v 11:45
We, at AntimatterFit aim at helping you to stay fit and healthy at home. Don't let the pandemic lock down your motivation to stay fit. Here is your go-to guide covering all aspects of fitness in the comfort of your home! From yoga asanas to building immunity, we have it all!
2. srpna 2021 v 09:16
Antimatter Fit
We, at AntimatterFit aim at helping you to stay fit and healthy at home. Don't let the pandemic lock down your motivation to stay fit. Here is your go-to guide covering all aspects of fitness in the comfort of your home! From yoga asanas to building immunity, we have it all!
5. března 2012 v 20:49
Anina Viktoriánka
Vláďa Jaroš je super chlap...jsem ráda,že jsem tě poznala,ty pařmene...:)
5. února 2012 v 16:26
Vláďa Jaroš vypadá jak Dean Cain, co hrál Supermana, sundá brýle a je to on!!!